- FreezeFest was much bigger this year, with quite a few trips taking place over the weekend, so each canyon has been written up by a different participant. This trip report was produced by Peggy Huang and Albert Chetcuti:
Party: Wannes, Albert, Peggy
Our small party departed the campsite and drove to the Dry Canyon (Wolgan View Canyon) car park on Glowworm Tunnel Road.
Towards to start of the walk we passed a campsite and before long we reached a small gully that marked the start of the canyon.

We walked through the first constriction of the canyon. It then opened up to a dry creek bed before taking us to the lower and more spectacular canyon constriction.
At the end of the canyon we walked to the lookout and enjoyed the view into the Wolgan Valley, including the Emirates Resort and Donkey Mountain opposite. Having seen the Emirates Resort from the top of Donkey Mountain, it was interesting looking at it from a different perspective.
After absorbing the pleasant views we walked back through the canyon and drove to the end of Glowworm Tunnel road, through the first of two historic railway tunnels. We parked our car here and walked 2km to the second, longer Glowworm Tunnel.

We had brought just one head torch between us (leaving the rest in the car). After walking about 50 meters into the tunnel, it was very difficult to see in the darkness. Albert was the one in possession of a head torch. He took a long time fiddling around trying to find which pocket he had put it in. By the time he found it and switched it on, we realised we had lost Wannes!
He must have walked ahead of us, so we proceeded further into the tunnel. After a while there was still no sign of Wannes, we were amazed that he was able to walk so far and so fast in pitch darkness without a head torch!
Eventually, when we’d gone about half way through the tunnel, we saw a guy walk straight past us in the opposite direction. It was Wannes. He had missed us in the darkness!

He said he had walked the entire length of the tunnel and was on his way back. He said he couldn’t see us and started following a couple that he had mistaken for us! They were very nice to him and were helping him by shining their head torch where he was stepping. When he got to the end of the tunnel with this couple, there was finally sunlight and he could see again. It was at this point that he realised he wasn’t walking with us, he was walking with a couple of nice strangers.
We all had a good laugh at this and after enjoying some more glow worms, we headed back through the tunnel to the car.
We then drove back to Barcoo Swamp where we were all camping.
Check out the rest of the canyons visited during FreezeFest 2013 on the Newnes Plateau: